
Posts Tagged ‘nyc beaches’

A Day at the Beach

In NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on June 30, 2014 at 6:08 pm

I visited the Rockaways first in 2007 and again last summer.  Here is a Movie Short sharing these moments, including bull dozers on the beach during the recovery efforts post Hurricane Sandy.



Have a Happy 4th of July!


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Fort Tilden Part Four: The Return to Civilization

In historic places, NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on April 4, 2014 at 9:07 pm

As I walked back to my starting point, all I could hear was gravel crunching under my feet. It was completely quiet.  I stopped to reload film one more time so I was ready to shoot the 2 buildings passed on the way to the tower.

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The first was hidden in vines and brush.  Somehow the graffiti artists were able to get deep inside this broken down structure.  I wonder how long ago….
(These buildings were used for magazines when originally constructed.)

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The second was a little more accessible,  just needed to navigate overgrowth, rocks and branches.092913 Fort Tilden Rocka381_1

When I poked my head into the empty space I was transformed by what I saw.

Overhead the roof was all but gone.  Underfoot the floor was dirt and weeds.  And the block walls were covered with graffiti.  It was beautiful.  Man and nature were collaborating in a true work of art.

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Fort Tilden Part Three: Views from the Tower

In historic places, NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on April 4, 2014 at 8:48 pm

When I encounter something never seen before, I become a little unsettled.  I think that is true for most people.  Questions that came to mind quickly were: what the heck was this thing and what hid behind its walls?  (see prior post.)  Further research shows this is actually Battery Harris, a gun battery used during the war/s.

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As I approached the stairs, a man was climbing down from the tower, so I stepped aside to let him pass.  I wanted this space all to myself.

WOW.  Incredible.  To the East was Long Island.  To the South the Atlantic.  To the West New York Harbor and New Jersey.  To the North Coney Island and Manhattan.  And directly below, 173 feet below, dunes and natural vegetation.

I stayed up here for about 30 minutes.  A cruise ship was leaving the harbor.  Tankers were waiting at anchorage.  Pleasure boats were cruising in and out of Jamaica Bay.  And I had this place all to myself.

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At some point a father and son started the journey up the steps and I used this as my cue to head out.  Plus I needed to get those other shots before the sun finally set.  And my bravery was starting to waver just a bit…


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Fort Tilden Part One: The Public Space

In historic places, NYC History, NYC Today on April 4, 2014 at 7:40 pm


As I walked around the grounds of Fort Tilden that were “open” to the public a few things circled in my mind.  This space is so vast; what went on here and why all these randomly placed buildings?

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Some were made of wood, some of brick.  Some were in use, some appeared to be empty for decades.  Every once in a while a parks department vehicle would drive by.


073113_iphone 5_4161 copyA chapel stood in the center of it all; eerie shapes appeared through the windows as if they were ghosts.  At the entrance was a very peculiar sign:






At this point I really had no idea what I stumbled upon as children were playing soccer and softball in the open fields.  In the distance day campers were doing something with paint.  And across the road from where they played were people working in the community garden ensuring those large sunflowers would grow to their full height.

073113_iphone 5_4060 copyWhen the ranger drove by again, I stopped him and began asking my questions.

  •  Did the chapel ever open?  No, in fact it had been closed for years due to asbestos.
  • Why is the beach closed; will it open again soon?  It would not open for a while due to the artillery that washed ashore from Hurricane Sandy.
  • What was that amazing old metal building in the distance?  He told me it was an old artillery building and that most of the current destruction came from Sandy.

When I asked him if I could walk around, he told me only in the designated area’s.  Everything else was restricted.

Hmmmm….what was this place?

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Joyous sounds were coming from the children at camp, so I walked over to discover this program was run by the Rockaway Artist Alliance.  The RAA had 2 studio’s in these old military buildings; they worked with artists near and far.  The councilors told me that beyond the fence to the west, was an old “watch” tower used when Fort Tilden was a military base.  It was 173 feet high, with amazing views.  But it was “off-limits” according to the park.

I thanked them for their time and information and continued walking up to the beach where I witnessed the destruction from the storm.

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Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Hidden NYC Treasure

In NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on September 10, 2013 at 10:10 pm

Jacob Riis National Park is a hidden jewel in NYC. The beach opens to the Atlantic Ocean. The people of the Rockaways are rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy. Here is the beauty of their neighborhood.
(shot with iPhone 5 July 31, 2013)

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®