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Splashing in The New Year Polar Bear Style

In NYC History, NYC Today on January 2, 2013 at 7:10 pm

I spent New Years Day on Coney Island.  An annual event had sparked my curiosity and I wanted to experience it first hand.

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Since 1903 the Polar Bear Club has been holding it’s annual New Year’s Day Swim.  I traveled the distance with camera in hand.  Clothed in my ski gear and feet protected by my yellow wellies, I figured I would be “water proofed” to get as close as possible without actually going in.

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As I waited for the event to begin, my toes started to freeze up.  Standing in the ocean, they actually began to warm.  The outside temperature was about 38˚ F, the water temperature was about 45˚F.

The first group raced to the water at 1:oopm.  It was such a rush to watch-truly driven by adrenaline.  Such enthusiasm and zest for life!  Incredibly contagious!!

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As I watched the bathers come back to shore, some had shear delight in their expressions, some had shear pain.  I myself was in about calf high and experienced just a bit of the salt water rush I was witnessing.

I wish everyone joy in the New Year.  To a fabulous 2013-take the plunge!

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®