
Posts Tagged ‘christmas in new york’

Fifth After Midnight: THREE CHURCHES

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 31, 2014 at 4:29 pm

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THREE CHURCHES will come to you as the final entry of this series.  Please take a moment to understand the extremes and ironies within these 10 blocks.

The most luxurious hotels, designers and jewels are available here.  Visitors from around the world plan their trips according to fashion calendars so that they may adorn themselves with the best & newest money can buy.

Along this section of Fifth Avenue are 3 churches interspersed among the shops.

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One is a Cathedral brightly lit at all hours to keep it’s perimeter on view.


 Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church

and Saint Thomas Episcopal Church are a bit more welcoming.

Folks that can’t afford a metro card,  linger on these steps seeking possible refuge or at least a place to lay their heads for a few hours.

Fifth Avenue “spares no expense” for holiday lights and window displays.  As beautiful as it is, there is another side to consider.


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®



In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 31, 2014 at 3:20 pm

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We’ve been slowly strolling down Fifth Avenue towards the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.  Within 10 blocks, there is truly a vast array of architecture, culture and history.  People from all over the country work together to light up this space for pure enjoyment [and a little bit of commerce].  Some displays will become historic, some displays are historic.

No matter the origins or point of view, this is New York City-we are expected to push the envelope.

As I mentioned in the FENDI article, this series is a result of my curiosity to uncover the “behind the scenes” of the Rock Center Tree.  That chapter dear reader, will unfold at another time.

As the season comes to a close and the ball drops to begin the New Year, may you have a joyous celebration and a FABULOUS 2015!

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Fifth After Midnight: POLO/RALPH LAUREN

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 23, 2014 at 6:35 pm

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1:44am on Monday November 10 the window designers were busy building the holiday displays at POLO/Ralph Lauren.  This store is on the corner of 55th Street at 5th Avenue with 2 windows facing 5th.  The window closest to East 55th Street seemed to involve the most effort.


When I returned on the 14th, the North window was completed.  The scene was set for a Nordic Photo Shoot.



The South window was taking time, still working out some of the details on the 16th.   On November 23 all was ready.



Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Fifth After Midnight: TOMMY HILFIGER

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 22, 2014 at 9:44 pm


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The global Flagship Store for Tommy Hilfiger is located here on Fifth Avenue.  I witnessed the holiday transformation over a few early mornings.

The first was November 10, 2014 where the windows were well underway.  Four nights later on November 14 the wreaths and lights were being hung on the exterior.  Cherry pickers were assisting in the process.  On this night it was raining which made conditions a bit more challenging for the workers.

When I returned two days later on the 16th, all was done.  A welcoming log cabin has a fireplace to toast the marshmallows-pass the Egg Nog!


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Fifth After Midnight-BERGDORF GOODMAN

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 22, 2014 at 7:41 am

112314_Strolling Fifth Avenue After Midnight_0449When I think of the store windows of Bergdorf Goodman the words   “elaborate” and “elegant” come to mind.  Whatever season of the year, these windows are created in an artistic and thoughtful manner.  One could guess that from story board to execution, the time it takes the idea to become the reality is weeks, even months.

David Hoey, Bergdorf Goodman’s Senior Director of Visual Presentation, officially begins working on the store’s holiday windows with his team in January.”**

The Christmas Holiday windows are the final act of every year.  I draw similarity to 4th of July fireworks, when in the finale moments of explosions and light our emotions overwhelm.  Before these beautiful designs are revealed, white drapes are hung on the exterior of each window while the installations are completed.

On the morning of November 16 around 1:00am, I was able to peak behind the curtain and see the wizard, (or the talented men and women bringing these idea’s to life).

On Monday November 17 at 6:00pm the windows were revealed to the world.  This celebration included the lighting of the UNICEF Snowflake which hangs in the center of 5th Avenue & 57th Street and the commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas.


The next time I was able to get back to the windows was on November 23.  At 2:00am there were very few people on the street.  It was as if these windows were here just for me, to take in all of their glamour and grandeur.  I didn’t have to share them with anyone.

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


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(**Courtesy of

Fifth After Midnight-HARRY WINSTON

In NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 18, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Harry Winston has a timeless, classic, elegant style.  Each year their Flagship Location on Fifth Avenue is decorated with green garland, blue & white lights and their signature Winston Cluster:

  • Harry Winston celebrates the holidays with a tribute to its founder’s most iconic design, the Winston Cluster. Capturing the brilliance, beauty and enduring glamour of this timeless motif, clusters of meticulously crafted “diamonds” illuminate the House’s New York Salon façade, transforming the corner of 56th Street and Fifth Avenue into a whimsical Winston Wonderland, for all to experience and enjoy.**

Around 1:30am on the morning of November 7, I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time as the talented decorators transformed the building inside and out.

In researching Harry Winston I rediscovered some things long forgotten:

  • Inspired by the endless energy of New York, Harry Winston opened his doors in 1932, and began a process of transformation. Winston transformed diamonds into art and revolutionized modern jewelry design. With enduring optimism, new generations of Winston designers and craftsmen collaborate to create infinitely beautiful jewels of unsurpassed style.
  • From the legacy of the Hope Diamond to the sparkle of the red carpet, Harry Winston diamonds have become an icon of international glamour.
  • In 1958, Mr. Winston donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. as a gift to the world.**

A few mornings later I went back to see the façade it all its glory.  Rain was falling, it was magical.

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


(**Courtesy of

Fifth After Midnight: TIFFANY & Co.

In historic places, NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 17, 2014 at 2:15 pm

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My commute to and from Mid-Town usually involves the M31 bus; I wait on the South East Corner of 57th Street at 5th Avenue.  This corner also happens to be home to the world famous Tiffany & Co. Flagship Store, which opened in 1940.

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One morning in late October while waiting for the bus, I looked up at the building and noticed a large brooch-like adornment.  I assumed it was for a promotion as it “seemed” too early for holiday decorating.  Silly me.  That was the October 28, 2014.

On 5 early mornings, over 3 weeks (11/7, 11/10, 11/14, 11/16, 11/23) I photographed the installation of Tiffany’s Holiday decorations.  Adam Terasa, the Project Manager said it took 17 nights for the actual installation and display, but a total of 6 weeks with the behind the scenes prep. The installation began in October and was fully lit by November 14.

The men on the project were kind enough to let me interrupt their work to photograph them.

Here are some really amazing facts behind the design [provided by Adam Terasa of YESCO]:

  • This display is a representation of a diamond egret that was displayed by Tiffany & Co. at the NYC World Fair in 1939. The display contains exactly 1939 individually controlled diamonds to celebrate this date (1939). Feel free to count them.
  • YESCO is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. The display was fabricated at our location in Las Vegas, Nevada. YESCO designed, fabricated, and coordinated the joint installation and lighting effort of the entire Holiday Display for Tiffany & Co. We spent several months from design, engineering, fabrication, logistics. We worked with a local sign company to coordinate and instruct them on the installation procedures as well as the functionality of this complex illuminated display.
  • YESCO is famous for signs worldwide, to inlcude: Vegas Vic; Welcome to Las Vegas sign; and now; the Tiffany & Co. Flagship stores Holiday Display.
  • We were fortunate enough to work closely with the Tiffany team on the highly detailed faceted diamond design that incorporates a clean and realistic replication of all diamonds, in particular; the yellow Tiffany diamond in the center.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to Adam Terasa-Project Manager, YESCO and your team for everything!


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®




Fifth After Midnight: FENDI

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on December 4, 2014 at 1:12 pm

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This project started in 2013 as a way to gain understanding and history of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree.  Last year I photographed the construction workers that decorate the tree.  This year I add a new layer to this story by photographing activity after midnight.  (Because when in New York City, a large-scale transformation can only happen then!)

My first morning out was November 7, 2014.  Let’s say being in the right place at the right time happened on this morning…but I jump ahead of myself.

Having committed to this story, it was important to walk Fifth Avenue multiple nights over multiple weeks.  Some windows took one night from start to finish.  Some took six weeks.

On November 10, at 1:36am I discovered the elves of FENDI transforming this window.

On November 14 at 2:53am their window was finished.

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This FLAGSHIP location is at 677 5TH AVENUE.  Handbags for EVERYONE!


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®