
Archive for March, 2016|Monthly archive page

Everyone Loves a Parade

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on March 21, 2016 at 7:23 am

My latest assignment was to photograph the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade here in New York City.  Over the six hour period, I covered the activities that happened between 72nd and 79th Streets.

“The Fighting 69th” stepped off at 11:00am on 44th Street leading the line of march up 5th Avenue, passing Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, to 79th Street.   This was the first year in the parade’s history to be “all inclusive” allowing Irish groups from the gay community to celebrate.  Mayor Bill de Blasio joined the parade for the first time since being in office.  On this day everyone is Irish!

The participants and actives along 5th Avenue:

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Acting like children…

Even the dogs were festive:


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®