
Archive for the ‘nyc photographer’ Category

Protest at Gracie Mansion-Horses on City Streets

In NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on October 19, 2016 at 9:05 am

Monday, October 17, 2016.  6:00pm EST.


Animal rights activists gathered across from Gracie Mansion at the corner of East 88th Street and East End Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  They were shouting to Mayor DeBlasio to keep his promise and ban Carriage Horses in Central Park.  While running for office in 2013, DeBlasio vowed on Day 1 if elected, he would make changes. According to the New York Times there has been no resolution.

DeBlasio was entertaining on this unseasonably warm evening. The protestors took advantage as each guest passed by, to remind the Mayor of his promise.  Parade barriers lined both sides of East End Avenue as the NYC Police and the Mayor’s security detail stood guard at the adjacent entrances of Carl Schurz Park.

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Everyone Loves a Parade

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on March 21, 2016 at 7:23 am

My latest assignment was to photograph the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade here in New York City.  Over the six hour period, I covered the activities that happened between 72nd and 79th Streets.

“The Fighting 69th” stepped off at 11:00am on 44th Street leading the line of march up 5th Avenue, passing Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, to 79th Street.   This was the first year in the parade’s history to be “all inclusive” allowing Irish groups from the gay community to celebrate.  Mayor Bill de Blasio joined the parade for the first time since being in office.  On this day everyone is Irish!

The participants and actives along 5th Avenue:

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Acting like children…

Even the dogs were festive:


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Garden Street Gallery Groundhog Day Gala

In new jersey, nyc photographer on February 22, 2016 at 8:12 am

The opening of my solo show at the Gallery at Garden Street Lofts in Hoboken, N.J. on February 2, 2016 was a dream come true.

So many friends & family, art lovers & supporters, joined in the celebration.

Special thanks to the Board of Garden Street Lofts, Cork Wine & Spirits and
Dino & Harry’s Steakhouse for making this such a special night.

©2016, Photo Credit Leo Mahaffey

Who knew that Groundhog Day could be so wonderful?  Thank you to all!

The show runs through May 31, 2016.
1425 Garden Street
Hoboken, NJ  07030


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Here are short videos of the preparation and installation of the show.


York Avenue at 78th Street

In nyc photographer, NYC Today on January 7, 2016 at 8:40 pm
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Firemen protect evidence on York Avenue

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Car that hit pedestrian




Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Ol’ Blue Eyes Turns 100 in Grand Style

In historic places, new jersey, nyc photographer on December 16, 2015 at 7:48 am


A mere stone’s throw away from New York City is a town rich with history and delight.  On December 12, 1915 a man named Francis Albert Sinatra was born to this town.

This town would be no other than Hoboken, New Jersey.

100 years later on the date of his birth, Hoboken celebrated his birthday in grand style.  I had the privilege of being asked to photograph this Gala by Geri Fallo for the Department of Cultural Affairs and The Hoboken Historical Museum.  The beautiful cake was created by Carlo’s Bakery and the Entertainment was performed by the Swingadelic Big Band.

Here is a sample of the festivities.

Happy Birthday Frank!

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


Blood on the Moon

In new jersey, nyc photographer on October 17, 2015 at 6:37 am

Catching up from a very long month/s.  Working on projects that are very exciting and taking me in new directions.

Part of the catch up is sharing some older work with you.  Maybe appropriate as Halloween approaches…

These images are from September 27, 2015.  There was a very special eclipse that occurred around 10:00pm EST.  I was with old friends at the Jersey Shore.  We took a long weekend to reconnect-it was a wonderful time.  And for the closing act, this moon appeared over the ocean on our final night.  We were on Long Beach Island.

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092715_Blood Moon LBI NJ_6411Square

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®


In nyc photographer on July 8, 2015 at 6:37 am

Each story presented here on this blog has helped me find the voice in my head, the direction I’m intended to go with my photography.  As a result of this, my focus for 2015 and beyond is in documentary story telling.  I have created a new website for these stories. I call it “KRUSZEWSKI MEDIA, where uncommon stories unfold…”


Drop by sometime and take a read.  And thank you for supporting my efforts.  Have a great summer.


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®



Obsessed with a Royal Typewriter-Spring Cleaning

In NYC History, nyc photographer on April 2, 2015 at 1:36 pm

Springtime in the North Eastern part of the United States is noticed by warmer temperatures, longer hours of daylight and the budding of flowers and trees.  It’s been a long cold winter, and now this change is truly welcomed.  Time to shake off the heavy coats and boots-just throw on a pair of sungalsses and head outside.  (OK, maybe in May)

On the calendar, Easter is also a reminder that nature will be bringing changes to the world.  For me this means it’s time to overhaul the inside (apartment) once again.  Time to put away all remaining winter themed items (yes that includes some Christmas…) and brighten up the place-it’s time for “spring cleaning”!

So on Monday, the process began.  I fixed shelving brackets in my closet and dish cabinet. Scrubbed the grout in the shower.  Moved stereo equipment to clean behind the wires and speakers.  Polished mirrors and screens.  Threw out things that clearly should have been tossed long ago.  And then I came to the “end table” of my sofa.  (Which is really an antique sewing machine).

You know that expression “you don’t see things until you are ready”?  This might have been the case here.  This was day 2.  I needed to dust off my old Royal Typewriter.  It had been sitting at the end of my couch for years.  Back in the late 80’s I took it from my grandmother.  Along with her rotary phone.

I can still hear her now:  “I rent that phone from Bell.  They will expect it back!”  

Put that into perspective!

This poor old typewriter really needed more than just a quick dusting.  It was crying out for some love.  I lifted it up and placed it on my dining table.  Looking at it from a different perspective I began wondering if it would still work.  In these moments of curiosity, my mind was reeling as it went through stages of excitement and then a slightly obsessive behavior.  I needed to know everything I could.  Including finding a ribbon to type with.

View 1 Royal Typewriter

Some of the keys were sticking.  The carriage did not move easily across the line of type. But there was a beautiful ding as the end margin was reached-the bell still rung out clearly.

I started to ask the “google” all sorts of questions.

As I got answers to these, other questions came to mind.  And so for about 24 hours I obsessed.  I called my mother to find out the type of oil I should use.  I bothered hardware store men with my questions.  Clearly this has not been a topic of discussion for probably decades.  But I did find some extraordinary resources online.  And a segment done by The CBS Sunday Morning Show in 2012 sharing a resurgence of typewriter use.

With a bit of cleaning and drops of oil the keys work effortlessly.  There is something magical that happens as I strike each key.  The words form on a sheet of paper right in front of my eyes.   Call it nostalgia, memory of my grandmother, memories of how I got through college [yes, I had a blue Smith Corona electric typewriter in college with blue ribbon (film)] or maybe because it is different to how we type today.

Simple.  Manual.  All you need is a good ribbon and sheets of blank paper.  You can feel the words come through your fingers.  Whatever it is, the change is exciting and new and will add a nice dimension to my life.  And hopefully this obsession will just blend into my normal life.

View 2 Royal Typewriter

Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

Online Stationery Store is Open!

In nyc photographer on March 24, 2015 at 7:55 pm


Incorporating graphic design with B&W photographs has allowed me to create two distinct lines of notecards.

Now the full assortment is available in the new online shop of 51art stationery.

If you think of sending a note to someone special, consider stopping in and browsing the selection.


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®

business cardTAXIyellowcabRGB-store


The Blizzard that Wasn’t…at Least in NYC

In NYC History, nyc photographer, NYC Today on January 29, 2015 at 4:04 pm

I love a good snow storm.  A blizzard even better, especially if it shuts down the “city that never sleeps” for a day or two.  There is something special about the quiet and stillness that Mother Nature brings to us.  And it gives a photographer a clean canvas to create a new story.

012515_iPhone 5_2772The Weather Channel and local news were doing everything they could to prepare it’s audience for the “big event”.  Grocery and hardware stores were reaping the benefits of this forecast as customers waited outside in long lines, only to find empty shelves and longer checkout lines inside.

The Governor and Mayor of New York/City determined a State of Emergency would be best to keep it’s citizens safe for the anticipated weather event.  (And it allowed the folks that clear the roads a safe way to do their jobs.)

The impending doom would happen sometime in the overnight hours and throughout the day on Tuesday, January 27, 2015.

I listened to the forecast until 2:30am and determined getting up in a few hours would be a great time to see how this storm impacted New York City.  This is what I discovered.


Beyond the city limits and north to Maine, the impact was much greater.  People lost power.  Winds blew upwards of 70MPH.  Snow drifted to feet vs. inches.  I wish all my readers safety and hope recovery is swift.

Stay warm.  And thanks for taking the time to watch.


Until next time.


adventure is life, live it! ®